KindiLink is a play-and-learn program being offered to three year old children and their parent/carers in 38 participating schools across Western Australia.
Through KindiLink schools will work in partnership with families to:
1. Improve the social, emotional, language and cognitive capabilities of children in participating communities.
2. Build the capability and confidence of parents/families/adult caregivers as their child’s first teacher.
3. Build productive relationships between the family, the school and the community.
4. Improve school attendance among participating children during their future schooling.
KindiLink focuses on the engagement of both the child and their family. It is based on research evidence that demonstrates that high-quality learning programs prior to school entry, which increases families’ capabilities as first educators of their children, are effective and cost efficient ways to reduce the impact of social and educational disadvantage.
The focus is Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander children who are not old enough to enrol in school’, i.e., Aboriginal children who are not old enough to enrol in four-year-old Kindergarten. Where capacity exists and after consultation with local Aboriginal families, non-Aboriginal children and families are also welcomed.
KindiLink provides six hours per week of high-quality play-and-learn sessions at no cost to families. Sessions are planned and delivered by an early childhood teacher and an Aboriginal Islander Education Officer (AIEO) using evidence-based programs and practices, including the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and 3a Abecedarian Approach.